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Auto Dynamic Services is an Automotive Technology Company that specializes in Diagnostics, Computer Programing and ADAS Calibrations. We are constantly working on developing new strategies to be able to offer the highest level of automotive repairs.

About Us

Auto Dynamic Services began as a dream, with the goal of “Raising Standards in the Automotive Industry”. Those words have actually become our motto. Every day, we strive to set the benchmark, for which other repair facilities are compared. We offer a wide range of services, including vehicle diagnostics & repair, vehicle computer/module programming, locksmith services/key replacement, ADAS calibrations, equipment sales, training, and much more.

Our goal is a very simple one, to accurately diagnose your vehicle’s issues, in a timely manner, and to repair those issues at a fair price, done correctly, the first time. This ultimately leads to the best value for our customers. This keeps your vehicle on the road, where it belongs. Not sitting in a “shop”.

We accomplish this through continuous “up to date” training, using the best diagnostic equipment, access to factory information, and having a thorough understanding of today’s complex vehicle technologies. We also employ only the best skilled technicians, with the knowledge to do the job. The Automotive Industry is constantly changing, and we continue to grow with it. Honesty, Pride, Dedication, Quality, all necessary to “Raising Standards in the Automotive Industry”.

Whether you are a retail customer coming to us directly, or one of the many independent repair facilities, or dealerships, that we service, every job gets approached with the same level of integrity. The goal stays the same. Our motto doesn’t change. We do repairs at our own shop, and we are mobile as well, if we need to come to you.

Auto Dynamic Services does diagnostic and repair work, on all makes, all models, bumper to bumper. Feel free to contact us, and discuss your vehicle needs.

A Word From The Founder

I started wrenching on cars from a very young age, 7 years old to be exact. Everyone is young at one point and enjoy what they do but as you get older you begin to question yourself on if this is really what you want to keep doing for the rest of your life. For me the answer was no because I had already done it for so long. My passion has always been cars so I took more interest in diagnostics, then programming and saw that it was something that I was really good at. I was tired of doing the same thing day in and day out so I finally took the leap in August Of 2016. Here I am a few years later, enjoying the freedom that I now have because I was willing to take the risk and press on to achieve my goal. This however, did not come without input from people who wanted to see me fail. When I first started this business I heard so many negative comments saying that I would never make it, that my business would plummet and I would be back doing the same thing that I was doing before. A thing that I feel is really important to take in consideration is that no matter what you hear from others, go with your gut feeling and do not listen to negative comments unless you can turn them into motivation, to push you forward, like how I did.

Stay positive at all times and do not worry about money, focus yourself on delivering the best service to all.

A special appreciation goes to my wife and kids for always giving me their support and trust.

Our Motto

“Raising Standards In The Automotive Industry”


We constantly invest heavily in the latest and best equipment.

About Us - Auto Dynamic Services


Fully trained in immobilizer systems and key making, whether it’s a simple duplicate or an all keys lost situation. Key replacement, new car keys, smart keys, key fob, locked out services, Honda switch ignition repair, BMW car keys, Mercedes car keys and many more.

Licensed & Bonded Locksmiths in Las Vegas, NV - Auto Dynamic Services


key | Auto Dynamic Services


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